the litte rann of kutch world heritage site (wild ass sanctyary) travel guide

the  litte ran wild ass sanctuary world heritage site travel guide  (welcome to our village tikar-rann)

       wild ass sanctuary-litte ran some places in the world are ror lush greenery,others forsteet cliffs and snowy glaciers and others still for refreshing water lapping against hot beaches.but of all the landscapes in the world harsh deserts are perhars the that fewest people have experienced.believing itto benotas pleasant as other an dscapes mary people miss out on the tremend ous beauty found in deserts preciseiy because there are very few deople visiting deserts the little ran of kutch which gives traveler the chanle to pondera wold defore there were so many of us around.

 only after hours blanketed by the deep silences that fall on the salt in the middle of the day, when the only sound is the wind scraping along the sand,can you appreciate the sounds that emerge in the evening,the birds singing,insects chirping and the scuffle of small animals rustling in the scuffle of small animais rustling in the drush. only after looking out at the unending flate do you appreciate the greenery and rich wildlife that congregates on the beyts or islands that rise up out of the of the ran. and only after getting to know the desert do you begin to understand a secret, that the beauty of life lies hidden in even the msost seemingly desolate of places.

wild ass sanctuary also known as the wild ass wildlife sanctuary is located in the little ran of kutch in the Gujarat state of india.spread over 4954 km,il is the largest wildlife sanctuary in india.

    world heritags site - ltisnominated dy the forest department  to de a biosphere reserve which are areas of terrestrial and coastal ecosystems internatonally   recognized within the within the framework of unescos  man and biosphere (mab) programme. it will focus on conserving biological diversity,research, monitoring and providing sustainable development models,the proposal has been sent to and listed at unesco.
     the wildlife sanctuary was established in 1972 and came under wildlife protection act of 1973. the sanctuary is one of the last places on earth where the endangered wild ass sub-species onager 9equus hemionus) can be spotted.